
     It is often believed that men are the cause of heartbreak in this world. We supposedly lie and cheat our way out of great relationships. I'm sure that's true for some of us, but it's not that way for the majority.

     When men hurt women they [men] hurt them like blunt instruments. When women hurt men they do it like a dull knife stabbing, twisting, and ripping their way into our flesh.

     I'm tired of going down like the bad guy. I am tired of being their for people; of crying for people; of wasting my heart on people who have an inability to see me for who I am and what I am trying to do.

     Yes I have screwed up before, who hasn't, but I am not a player and I don't only look at girls as objects. Those guys do exist, but I am not one of them, nor do I know anyone who is.

     Ladies, if you have been hurt in the past, i understand, but we all have so before you go ahead assuming stuff, talk to us one on one. Give us the benefit of the doubt.

     I am tired of throwing my heart away and feeling nothing but pain in return. I am tired of being jaded because of your past boyfriends. I am not them nor will I ever be one of them.

     I'm tired of waking up and living my life in pain.

     I thought giving your heart to someone was a gift...

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