Blog This

What has happened to our society?
Yes I'm blogging.
Yes I'm facebooking.
Yes I'm twittering.
Yes I'm finding it impossible to keep up with all this stuff. Are you?

     The idea of social networking is absolutely great. You can talk to and keep in touch with thousands of people in a way that was never possible before. But, now with twitter, the world of networking has collapsed completely. It's no longer about communicating with people, it's about pushing content. My twitter HAS to have the most followers. My twitter HAS to have the most interesting posts. Everyone worries so much about getting their information out there, that no one bothers to stop and listen to other people anymore. I saw someone send 50 tweets within a five minute period. That's a little ridiculous. He obviously got his information out there, but did anyone bother to read it? When you take your "content" and shove it down our throats like a violent mouth rape we won't swallow, we'll choke and spit it out. Now, it seems like we only follow people hoping that they will follow us and help out or social networking spiderweb.

     And don't even get my started on "internet marketers." I'm not talking about the people with legit jobs online, I'm talking about the guys who follow five hundred random people every day hoping someone will follow back so they can show the world their "insights" on how to make money online. You aren't internet marketers, you are spam. I sell stuff on craigslist, but I don't call myself an entrepreneur, why do you call yourself a marketer? Oh, you are marketing yourself you say. Guess what, everyone else is too.

     With everyone pushing for more content in more places, it's impossible to decipher anything worth while and all the little people, the people who these sites are supposed to be about, get lost in a sea of pure excrement. On that note follow me at

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