Bad News

Bad News

I'm tired.
I'm tired of putting my head and heart out there to just have it crushed before my very eyes.
I'm tired of reconstructing conversations and situations in my head trying to find out where it all went wrong.

When you heart hurts people tell you it isn't your fault and that the other party is to blame. That may sometimes be true, but I am beginning to notice a pattern. I don't walk away from them, they walk away from me.

My heart is weak.
My mind must be too.

I try my hardest to play the cool guy who will give you what you want and what you need, but at the end of the day I turn into a clingy sloppy sap.

I am always an emotional wreck.
I have the brain of someone my age but the emotional maturity of a child.

Want to know something funny?
I always complain about how hurt I get and it turns out that I walked out on the one person who accepted me for who I was.

I can't be mad at anyone but myself.
I need to change somehow.

Ladies, stay away from me. I'm bad news...

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