How Do You Show Your Dark Side?

     We all have a dark side.

     Some of us act on it, while some of us repress it. I'm not a doctor so I'm not sure which is worse. Although, when you act on things you end up killing people, and when you repress them, you end up killing yourself. So what do we do?

     We learn to deal with it, and express it in a healthy way. Is there a healthy way to express darkness? We used to have diaries and people to talk to when we felt the darkness rising, but now our private worlds are public.

     It seems like the only way to express our darkness is to do it in a screenplay. That way we get other people to act out our inner self, and no one can blame us for it. You can't write songs, or poems, or even blogs about it, because someone will hunt you down and get you arrested for planning a homicide or something.

     So, I've decided to write a Dexter/Californication/Silence of the Lambs/Wanted/Godfather/Taxi Driver type screenplay to get someone else to act out on my inner darkness. Because, let's face it, it's good to be the bad guy sometimes.

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