Getting Antsy in Fancy Canton Ohio

     I feel like my time here needs to come to an end. I've met all the people I'm going to meet, made all the friends I'm going to make, loved all the women I could love (shut up), and had all the experiences I could have here. I feel like my life has been on repeat lately. Don't get me wrong, I love doing what I do but I feel the need to move on.

     I started sending my resume and demo out to a few places that look good to me. Hopefully I'll get a nibble or two, but in today's market who knows. At least I'm trying to do what I want to do and not what anyone expects me to do.

     I surprised how supportive my family and friends have been with me through this who process. My mom is constantly yelling at me to get my demo out there so she can kick me out of the house. If that's not support what is?

     I promise to keep you updated on anything interesting that happens.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous4/01/2010

    change is inevitable. personal progress lies on your determination to show people that you have what it takes to beat out the herd. Good luck hope you find something that will make you happy.


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