Writer's Block

Writer's block cracks me up!
You say, "I can't think of anything to write!"
I say, "Then you are not a writer!"

     Everyone comes up with cool ideas and writes them down occasionally, and at some point in time almost everyone has penned their feelings onto a piece of paper.

That doesn't mean you are a writer!

Writer's lack something that you hold on to: FEAR.

Writer's don't sit down and come up with something to write.
Writer's write.
While you think, we write.
Not everything we write is going to be good, but we still do it.
We don't fear words.
We embrace them.

A writer thinks with his heart and dips his pen into his veins using his blood as the ink.

We don't think about what we write we just write.
We start out with our hearts, then we proofread with our minds.

Writer's do what they need to do to get their point across.
Assuming they have a point.

People who aren't writer's worry to much about word choice, and grammar.

People who aren't writer's forget that it's not called language sciences.

It's called Language Arts.

     It is an art.






the rules.

Writer's use the art to say what they want to say.
They don't let the art control them.
Non-writer's are editors...
You edit thought...
We create it!

If you have writer's block don't do what the rest tell you to do.
Don't exercise, or change venues, or walk away for a while.
Close your eyes and let your heart bleed onto the keyboard.
Don't think, just do.
And when you do, you'll be a writer.
And if you are good enough, you can hire an editor to do the rest.

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