Getting Antsy in Fancy Canton Ohio

     I feel like my time here needs to come to an end. I've met all the people I'm going to meet, made all the friends I'm going to make, loved all the women I could love (shut up), and had all the experiences I could have here. I feel like my life has been on repeat lately. Don't get me wrong, I love doing what I do but I feel the need to move on.

     I started sending my resume and demo out to a few places that look good to me. Hopefully I'll get a nibble or two, but in today's market who knows. At least I'm trying to do what I want to do and not what anyone expects me to do.

     I surprised how supportive my family and friends have been with me through this who process. My mom is constantly yelling at me to get my demo out there so she can kick me out of the house. If that's not support what is?

     I promise to keep you updated on anything interesting that happens.

How Do You Show Your Dark Side?

     We all have a dark side.

     Some of us act on it, while some of us repress it. I'm not a doctor so I'm not sure which is worse. Although, when you act on things you end up killing people, and when you repress them, you end up killing yourself. So what do we do?

     We learn to deal with it, and express it in a healthy way. Is there a healthy way to express darkness? We used to have diaries and people to talk to when we felt the darkness rising, but now our private worlds are public.

     It seems like the only way to express our darkness is to do it in a screenplay. That way we get other people to act out our inner self, and no one can blame us for it. You can't write songs, or poems, or even blogs about it, because someone will hunt you down and get you arrested for planning a homicide or something.

     So, I've decided to write a Dexter/Californication/Silence of the Lambs/Wanted/Godfather/Taxi Driver type screenplay to get someone else to act out on my inner darkness. Because, let's face it, it's good to be the bad guy sometimes.


     It is often believed that men are the cause of heartbreak in this world. We supposedly lie and cheat our way out of great relationships. I'm sure that's true for some of us, but it's not that way for the majority.

     When men hurt women they [men] hurt them like blunt instruments. When women hurt men they do it like a dull knife stabbing, twisting, and ripping their way into our flesh.

     I'm tired of going down like the bad guy. I am tired of being their for people; of crying for people; of wasting my heart on people who have an inability to see me for who I am and what I am trying to do.

     Yes I have screwed up before, who hasn't, but I am not a player and I don't only look at girls as objects. Those guys do exist, but I am not one of them, nor do I know anyone who is.

     Ladies, if you have been hurt in the past, i understand, but we all have so before you go ahead assuming stuff, talk to us one on one. Give us the benefit of the doubt.

     I am tired of throwing my heart away and feeling nothing but pain in return. I am tired of being jaded because of your past boyfriends. I am not them nor will I ever be one of them.

     I'm tired of waking up and living my life in pain.

     I thought giving your heart to someone was a gift...

Bad News

Bad News

I'm tired.
I'm tired of putting my head and heart out there to just have it crushed before my very eyes.
I'm tired of reconstructing conversations and situations in my head trying to find out where it all went wrong.

When you heart hurts people tell you it isn't your fault and that the other party is to blame. That may sometimes be true, but I am beginning to notice a pattern. I don't walk away from them, they walk away from me.

My heart is weak.
My mind must be too.

I try my hardest to play the cool guy who will give you what you want and what you need, but at the end of the day I turn into a clingy sloppy sap.

I am always an emotional wreck.
I have the brain of someone my age but the emotional maturity of a child.

Want to know something funny?
I always complain about how hurt I get and it turns out that I walked out on the one person who accepted me for who I was.

I can't be mad at anyone but myself.
I need to change somehow.

Ladies, stay away from me. I'm bad news...

I Love You

I love you
Call me crazy but
I love you
And there's nothing else to it
I need you
By my side
And when you say goodbye
At the end of the night
A part of me dies because
I love you

I want you
To be my girl forever
I want you
To never say never
I need you
And when you walk away
I feel an empty space
And I see your face because
I want you

People write songs
Filled with beautiful rhymes
But my song is simple
And what's yours is mine

Love isn't hard
If you remember to try
It's a simple feeling
between a girl and a guy

And all I have is my love for you
And this song I've written
Saying all tha's true

I love you

I love you
Call me crazy but
I love you
And there's nothing else to it
I need you
By my side
And when you say goodbye
At the end of the night
A part of me dies because
I love you

I love you
Call me crazy but
I love you
And there's nothing else to it
I need you
By my side
And when you say goodbye
At the end of the night
A part of me dies because
I love you

Anything But Me

I want to stare at a wall and not blink
Stuck in stillness
Forgetting how to think

I want to breath slowly
Calm deep breaths
And forget how to feel

Loose all sense of color
Only see in gray
Loose all sense of time
Forget the year
Forget the day

I want to hear nothing but silence
Forget my voice
Sweet music of defiance

I don’t want to feel anymore
I want to be still
I want to be still

Sitting in a dark room
Nothing but walls
Nothing sense of happiness
No sense of doom

All I want is to be
Not to hear
Not to see
Not to feel
Not to breath
All I want is to be
Anything but me.

Gin & Tonic Blues

     Last night I went to a local bar here in Canton and ordered a Tom Collins. The bartender looked at me like I was a crazy person. This wasn't some hole in the wall joint either, it was a place where one should know these things. After looking at me like a deer in the headlights the bartender walked around asking the other employees of the place if they knew how to make one. One was smart enough to know they named the glass after the drink, but no one knew how to make one. So, I decided on a gin and tonic with lime. I got no lime.

     Think this a random occurrence? Hardly. The other night I was at a place that, well let's just say this Canton lounge should know how to make martinis, and I ordered a dry martini. Again I got a look of disgust. The bartender at this lounge where martinis are drank spent ten minutes asking me what kind of garnish I wanted, completely skipping the important questions. I stood there for another ten minutes before getting an extremely wet vodkatini on the rocks. I was outraged to say the least, but I kept my cool and informed him that I ordered a martini (gin) and that I wanted it straight up not with chips of sloppy ice in it. He then told me that that's what a martini was.

     What has happened with our society?
Bartenders know more and more about making "sex on the beaches" and "wet pussies" yet they know less and less on how to make classic drinks. I think its because people's taste in drinks have changed over time. It seems like people didn't try so hard to disguise the taste of what they were drinking in the past. Now, there are mixed drinks to where if they didn't tell you what was in it, you'd have no idea. I'm not going to lie, those drinks can be good, but I guess I'm old fashioned in the way I drink. If I don't like I certain type of spirit, instead of disguising it, I just don't drink it. Weird isn't it. Well I'm done writing for now. I'm going to the bar and I'm in the mood for an old fashioned. This should be interesting.

Coffee House Chats Part I

I decided it was time to follow another one of the steps that most contemporary writers follow to become famous. I'm not speaking of doing drugs or drinking a lot because I've already done that. I'm not talking about cutting off my body parts, or someone else's, and eating them because I've heard that human flesh isn't the greatest of tastes. I'm not a big fan of massive amounts of blood either; it's to hard to clean up.
The step I'm following is the ever popular sitting down in a coffee shop somewhere, listening to James Taylor on the shops "muzak" station, and writing. Ok no wait, the Doors, "Riders on the Storm" is on now. That's more my style.

Why do writers do this? Does the quiet meets loud atmosphere of a coffee shop help inspire the writer to go beyond the infinite and write his or her masterpiece? It seems like a distraction to me. I mean I love coffee, even though I'm drinking black tea now, but can't I just make some at my house instead? That way I don't have to worry about the weirdness of chilling next to five cops sitting next to me. Not to mention the hot girl sitting two tables down. I find myself concentrating less and less on my writing and more and more on what she's doing. It looks like homework. She's drinking some of the Snapple diet tea. I love the idea of diet tea. I hope some of you are laughing at how ridiculous that sounds.

Anyway she's got a laptop plugged in and some headphones on her head. I wonder what she's listening too. She looks way to smart to be listening to silly pop. Yet she looks to happy to be listening to something on the depressing side. She looks city enough to not like country, yet country enough to not like rock. Maybe she's rocking it out to some jazz or something. Yeah I like the idea of that. Pretty girl sitting in a coffee shop listening to some Dave Brubeck. That is just sexy.

She just looked up at me. Our eyes met in a moment of silence. Partially because we both are listening to music and would have to yell over our headphones to say hi, but sometimes silent looks are far better than spoken words.

She looks so sad and bored. She's probably doing psychology homework. I hated my psych 101 class. I thought I was going to learn about cool experiments and stuff. Oh God, Jimmy Buffet is on. The girl and I are glad we brought our own music. Anyway, early classes suck because you just learn the concepts and not all the weird stuff that used to go on.

I just looked up and saw that she had a nose ring. Not one of those little speck things that you put on the side of your face. She's got a real one. You don't see many of those anymore. Especially on someone who doesn't look like they've been to jail before, and I think its safe to say that she hasn't.

Let me tell you about this stranger across the room. Her name is Emily and she's twenty-one years old. She doesn't like to drink beer or wine. Actually she doesn't like to drink much at all, but when she does, she drinks something classy like a martini or vodka and cranberry juice.

She's a really picky eater because her mom always made her eat her horrible cooking. She doesn't like steak or any real meat, but she likes chicken. Fish are completely out of question. Her father left her mother when she was fourteen years old, and she will never forgive him for that.

Even though psych 101 is boring, she's studying psychology because she wants to know why people can be so mean. She's not really religious, but she believes in God and Jesus. She goes to church on Christmas and Easter only because its tradition, and that's the only time she's home. She doesn't hate her mother by any means, she just enjoys her apartment here by school. She's doing that thing called growing up. However, she does realize that she should spend some more time with her mother because her mom has lead a pretty difficult life, and more often than not, she's lonely.

Part of me wonders what a pretty girl like her is doing alone at a coffee shop alone at 9:30 on a Friday night two blocks from one of the biggest party zones in the state. Maybe she likes to come here now because its quiet and away from the party life she hates. Or maybe she used to spend this time with someone she loved who has gone away.

Its weird, she hasn't look away from the wall in fifteen minutes. I wonder if she knows that she's being stalked.

Well, its almost time for me to go. I didn't get the inspiration I had hoped to get but this gave me something to do, and Emily, this is for you.

Remember to smile more often because you are beautiful.
You are smarter then most of your friends and family and you know that.
But what you don't realize is that you have a bigger heart than anyone you'll ever meet.
Spend some more time with your mother, she loves you and she misses you.
You don't have to forgive your dad, but understand that sometimes people are just mean.
Science doesn't have all the answers and neither does religion.
Keep listening to that jazz, but look into some other music too.
Jazz isn't the only music filled with soul, I promise.
Finally, I'm glad to have met you even though we've never met.
I hope to see you again two tables down, or across the street.
Someday I hope to finally hear your voice.
I bet its as beautiful as your soul.
Nice nose ring.


Writer's Block

Writer's block cracks me up!
You say, "I can't think of anything to write!"
I say, "Then you are not a writer!"

     Everyone comes up with cool ideas and writes them down occasionally, and at some point in time almost everyone has penned their feelings onto a piece of paper.

That doesn't mean you are a writer!

Writer's lack something that you hold on to: FEAR.

Writer's don't sit down and come up with something to write.
Writer's write.
While you think, we write.
Not everything we write is going to be good, but we still do it.
We don't fear words.
We embrace them.

A writer thinks with his heart and dips his pen into his veins using his blood as the ink.

We don't think about what we write we just write.
We start out with our hearts, then we proofread with our minds.

Writer's do what they need to do to get their point across.
Assuming they have a point.

People who aren't writer's worry to much about word choice, and grammar.

People who aren't writer's forget that it's not called language sciences.

It's called Language Arts.

     It is an art.






the rules.

Writer's use the art to say what they want to say.
They don't let the art control them.
Non-writer's are editors...
You edit thought...
We create it!

If you have writer's block don't do what the rest tell you to do.
Don't exercise, or change venues, or walk away for a while.
Close your eyes and let your heart bleed onto the keyboard.
Don't think, just do.
And when you do, you'll be a writer.
And if you are good enough, you can hire an editor to do the rest.

Blog This

What has happened to our society?
Yes I'm blogging.
Yes I'm facebooking.
Yes I'm twittering.
Yes I'm finding it impossible to keep up with all this stuff. Are you?

     The idea of social networking is absolutely great. You can talk to and keep in touch with thousands of people in a way that was never possible before. But, now with twitter, the world of networking has collapsed completely. It's no longer about communicating with people, it's about pushing content. My twitter HAS to have the most followers. My twitter HAS to have the most interesting posts. Everyone worries so much about getting their information out there, that no one bothers to stop and listen to other people anymore. I saw someone send 50 tweets within a five minute period. That's a little ridiculous. He obviously got his information out there, but did anyone bother to read it? When you take your "content" and shove it down our throats like a violent mouth rape we won't swallow, we'll choke and spit it out. Now, it seems like we only follow people hoping that they will follow us and help out or social networking spiderweb.

     And don't even get my started on "internet marketers." I'm not talking about the people with legit jobs online, I'm talking about the guys who follow five hundred random people every day hoping someone will follow back so they can show the world their "insights" on how to make money online. You aren't internet marketers, you are spam. I sell stuff on craigslist, but I don't call myself an entrepreneur, why do you call yourself a marketer? Oh, you are marketing yourself you say. Guess what, everyone else is too.

     With everyone pushing for more content in more places, it's impossible to decipher anything worth while and all the little people, the people who these sites are supposed to be about, get lost in a sea of pure excrement. On that note follow me at