You've Made Lent a Joke

In today’s newspaper there was an article on Ash Wednesday, beginning the Lenten season. After a short introduction, the newspaper printed what a few readers were “giving up” for Lent.

I was completely appalled with some of the answers. Over the years, Christians have moved away from the true heart of the Lenten season and I fear some have forgotten what it’s all about.

Why do we celebrate Lent?

According to, of which the world’s leading apologists explain the Catholic Catechism, “Lent is the 40 days before Easter in which Catholics pray, fast, contemplate, and engage in acts of spiritual self-discipline. Catholics do these things because Easter, which celebrates the Resurrection of Christ, is the greatest holy day of the Christian year (even above Christmas) and Catholics have recognized that it is appropriate to prepare for such a holy day by engaging in such disciplines."1

When I was going to school and throughout most of my life, I was taught that you should try and give something that you love up for Lent. I’ve noticed that most people give up sweets. I never did for two reasons. One, not eating sweets for 40 Days would require as much discipline for me as not eating tofu. Two, my birthday is always in Lent. I want my one slice of cake. It seems silly to give something up for essentially one day right? The main reason people practice some type of abstinence, is because they want to sort of force themselves into a kind of small suffering in penance for their sins and to prepare themselves spiritually for Easter.

Besides the Days of Obligation, of which we are required to fast, the Church doesn’t have any laws on abstinence during Lent. They just suggest it. That’s where the problem lies. Now am I saying that the Church should force us all to give up something for Lent? No, not at all, but the lack of guidelines really allow people to search for loopholes.

In today’s paper and all around me in general, I hear about people choosing not to give something up. Instead, they insist that they are going to focus on a positive instead of a negative. They say that they are going to concentrate on being nicer or more understanding. They say that giving things up makes them miserable and that it makes their lives difficult. Isn’t that the point? Aren’t you supposed to suffer a little? If you really believe that Jesus was beaten to pulp and nailed to a cross to die for your sake, then don’t you think you deserve to sacrifice a tiny bit? I mean it’s only 40 measly days.

The stuff you people give up is a joke, too. It was ok to give up chocolate when you were six. Now that you are forty-seven, it’s sad. Someone said that they are only going to eat sugar free popsicles, because giving up all popsicles would kill them. That person was fifty-five years old.  Try growing a set and giving up coffee or alcohol. You know grownup things.

Another thing I have noticed is this “cheating” on Sunday’s thing. Apparently, since we don’t count the Sunday’s in Lent, that means we don’t have to keep up our personal penance. I really want to curse here. Once again, why are we trying to find loopholes? I can give anything up for a week if I know that I can indulge on Sunday. We aren’t really challenging ourselves at all. Instead, we're doing as little as we can without looking bad. Seriously, it’s 40 days. That’s it.

Now I am far from the best Catholic, I will be the first to tell you that. However, I feel like I’m the only person who sees the point of Lent. The Lenten season is a time of sacrifice. It’s a time of preparation. It’s a time to really deepen yourself spiritually. If you are constantly looking for the easy way out, then you’ll never get very far. If you are going to do anything for Lent, sacrifice something. Actually do it. Sacrifice something that’ll be difficult to live without. Sacrifice something that will force you to dig down deep and beg for strength. After all, you believe He did that for you. Lent is a time for penance, not a time for New Year’s resolutions.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous4/11/2013

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    Thanks for sharing!

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