"Release the Kraken!"

     What has happened to the movie going experience? When did we become so critical over what is good and what isn't? I went and saw Clash of the Titans today and I have to say that I really enjoyed it. Was it the best action movie I have ever seen? No. Did it have the smartest dialogue in the world? Definitely not. Did I enjoy myself? Yes.

     First off, you can't go to a movie where the only line spoken in the trailer is “release the Kraken,” and expect smart dialogue. I don't think the movie attempted that at all, so why are we striving to look for it? As far as the action went, it was pretty decent. It wasn't anything particularly new or revolutionary, but it served its purpose well. Clash of the Titans was supposed to be a campy action based summer blockbuster and they achieved that perfectly. So why are we looking for more?

     It seems like everyone expects every movie to be bigger, badder, and smarter than its competition, but not all movies are meant to be that way. Some movies are just meant to entertain. I think we forget that and that our expectations are way to high.

     Look at the movie Doom. It was based on a first person shooter known for its lack of any plot. The video game was only really known for bringing blood and gore into the computer world. So why would one go to see Doom in theaters and expect a plot? It was supposed to be a stupid, bloody, action flick and it nailed that all the way up to that awesome first person shooter sequence at the end.

     A lot of people really hated the newest Indiana Jones They said it was too weird and they think it didn't take itself seriously enough. I feel bad for those people. They seem to have forgotten that Indiana Jones never took itself seriously. All of the movies were supposed to be silly B-movies. They just happened to be so iconic.

     I guess the point I'm trying to make is that maybe we need to try and be a little less critical when going to the movies. We need to go into a movie with the right state of mind. The industry's job is to make money and entertain. You paid for the ticket so the first part is done. So why don't you sit back and enjoy what you watching.

     Are all movies going to be cinema gold? No they won't. That doesn't mean you can't get a smile out of watching them. Not every movie is going to be an Avatar. So stop being so picky and sit down, throw your 3-D glasses on, and try not to throw up. Believe me you'll enjoy it.

Sunny Days

People have been asking me what my issue is the past few weeks and I think its time to come forward.

March used to be a cool month for me. As a Leap Year baby, I spent the beginning of March celebrating my birthday and playing with my new toys. The weather was always crazy and I loved the fact that I could wear shorts one day, then turn around and wear a winter coat the next.

Baseball usually started up in March. There was nothing more exciting to me than picking up a baseball after what seemed like an eternal winter, but it's been a long time since I've gotten ready for a new season. Birthdays don't matter anymore.

My Father died in March, seven days after my birthday. As my birthday approaches every year, I feel his death looming in the back round like a quiet storm rumbling in the distance. It's incredibly difficult to celebrate life with a reminder of one ending so close by.

This March has been especially difficult for me. Besides the fact that I have to be reminded of my dad, one of my childhood friends passed as well. I can see the house he grew in from my driveway. When I sit outside having a smoke I see him riding his bike up and down the road. He had a Ninja Turtles bike just like me.

I also watched a relationship end. This is probably what's torturing me the most. I feel like I've been through this way too many times. I feel like my heart has taken as much crap as it can and honestly, I'm not sure I want it anymore. I used to believe that love and romance exist, but now I'm starting to think that lust is all there is.

Is this what I have to look forward to for the rest of my life? I'm getting tired of the constant pain and the downer days, weeks, months, hell even years. They say that it is always darkest before the dawn and I'm wondering where my dawn is. When will I get to feel the warmth of the sun on my face? I'm running out of good things that must come to an end.

I know this is a load of bull to most of you and it sounds like nothing other than whining, but after all this is a diary and that's what it's for.